TB and HIV/TB late-breaker sessions: accepting abstracts until 31 July
Tuberculosis: The Union and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are cosponsoring a late-breaker session related to tuberculosis. All aspects of TB control, elimination are welcomed. In keeping with the spirit of a late-breaker session, organisers request that abstract submissions cover only new, innovative and significant findings that have occurred as of 1 April 2015, or for which information has just become available. Deadline for submission: 31 July 2015
Click here for complete TB session details and submission guidelines.
HIV/TB: The WHO HIV Department in collaboration with the HIV Section of The Union will also host a TB/HIV late-breaker session at the conference. All aspects of HIV/TB, including basic and clinical science, epidemiology, healthcare delivery, public health and economic modelling, etc are welcomed. In keeping with the late-breaker spirit, organisers request that abstract submissions cover only new, innovative and significant findings that have occurred as of 1 May 2014, or for which information has just become available. Deadline for submission: 31 July 2015
Click here for complete HIV/TB details and submission guidelines.