The Union


Room: Auditorium II

All members are encouraged to participate and cast their votes to help shape The Union’s future!

The General Assembly is the annual meeting of all Union members to review the past year and plans for the coming one, elect new members and officers of the Board of Directors and conduct other business.

Newly appointed Honorary Members are also announced. The title of Honorary Member of The Union is granted to a person who has become distinguished through active participation in The Union’s activities and the fulfillment of its goals.
These members serve as informal advisors to The Union.

Finally the winners of the annual Christmas Seals Contest are awarded their certificates. 

Topics Legend

CLH = Child TB & Lung Health

CS = Civil Society


LH = Lung Health


NCDs = Non-Communicable Diseases

NAPs = Nursing & Allied Professions

TC = Tobacco Control

TB = Tuberculosis

ZOO = Zoonotic TB

RES = Research