The Union

Research for the rest of us (Eng/Zul/Xho) I: The End TB Strategy

Room: Hall 4B

Special guest, Dr Mario Raviglione, Director, Global TB Programme, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

About this series (offered Thursday through Saturday): Each half-hour session will feature a prominent conference speaker presenting plain language highlights in research or policy. Presentations will be followed by isiXhosa and isiZulu interpretation for the benefit of local participants and media. 

Facilitator:  Jody Boffa

Topics Legend

CLH = Child TB & Lung Health

CS = Civil Society


LH = Lung Health


NCDs = Non-Communicable Diseases

NAPs = Nursing & Allied Professions

TC = Tobacco Control

TB = Tuberculosis

ZOO = Zoonotic TB

RES = Research